Voluntariado presencial

Monitoring and evaluation volunteer

País Grecia
Categoría Inmigración, refugio y asilo
Tipo de oferta internacional  Voluntariado
Open Cultural Center
(1 valoraciones)  
% de respuesta: 98,8636%
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Monitoring and evaluation volunteer



Are you interested in making a career in the migration and humanitarian field? Open Cultural Center (OCC) is a non-profit organisation (NGO) based in Spain and Greece that works towards the inclusion of refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers by offering activities to both host-country nationals and third-country nationals. The organization was established in 2016 in response to the European refugee crisis and now manages cultural centers and residential programs for migrants and refugees in Spain and Greece. We are a small international team united by a commitment to breaking down barriers to social inclusion for migrants and refugees. Our main projects in Greece include: - Early childhood education center. - Socio-educational activities with children and youth. - Education activities for adults. - Women Space. - Transport and mobility projects to connect refugee camps to urban areas. - European Union projects that foster social innovation and exchange of best practices For a period of 10 months, starting in July 2023, we are offering a Monitoring and Evaluation volunteering position within OCC Greece, focused on supporting on the implementation and improvement of activities in Polykastro. Main tasks - Track all OCC activities, including OCC partnerships with other NGOs. - Collecting and managing qualitative and quantitative data. - Tracking and reporting on trends. - Assisting the finance department of OCC Greece in close contact with the site coordinator. - Generating and distributing satisfaction questionnaires to community members and volunteers that are aligned with OCC indicators. - Assisting the home office in reporting on OCC Polykastro activities. - Preparing reports or articles to be shared on the OCC website or used as part of grant applications. - Assisting the team with continuous improvement based on data trends, indicator findings, and results. What do we offer? The project is funded by the European Commission through the European Solidarity Corps program. This means that volunteering provides: - Travel costs coverage: Up to the limits established in the Erasmus+ Guide distance calculator from the volunteer’s region of residency to our center, and back. - Free Accommodation: Provided next to our activities center, in Polykastro, Greece with other volunteers. Houses are fully equipped (kitchen, bathrooms, washing machine, etc.). Note: be ready to share your bedroom with other volunteers of the same gender. - Monthly allowance: 270 euros per month. - Insurance: Henner - Free Language courses: Online but also in person, according to availability. - Holidays: two days per month.


Position requirements - Proficiency with Microsoft Excel, SSPS, and/or a statistical software program. - An effective and compelling writing style. - Good command of English, both written and spoken. - Experience generating questionnaires and reporting on NGO indicators is an asset. - Demonstrated ability to work in teams in a fast-paced environment. - Able to identify opportunities through a holistic vision of the project. - Good organisational skills. - Easy-going and loving an intercultural environment. - Motivated, proactive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, and self-reliant person. - Availability for a 10-month period. - No problem with sharing an apartment/bedroom with other volunteers. Volunteer requirements established by ESC program (*) - Candidates must be between 18 and 30 years old (preferably between 23 and 30). - To have a legal residence permit in an EU country. - Never having done an ESC volunteering before. (*) Candidates that do not meet these requirements won't be able to be considered as potential candidates for the volunteer position.

Adecuado para Adultos
Subcategorías Acompañamiento/Acogida, Actividades de formación/Educación, Enseñanza de idiomas
Aficiones/Pasiones Escritura, Fotografía, Nuevas tecnologías e Internet, Enseñar
Competencias que adquirirá el voluntario Analizar y resolver problemas, Flexibilidad, Organización y planificación, Comunicación interpersonal, Trabajo en equipo
Provincia Ámbito nacional
Municipio Ámbito Provincial
Tipo Puntual :esta oportunidad no requiere de un compromiso continuado, puedes realizar una colaboración esporádica con la organización
Dedicación Más de 16 horas mensuales. Lunes ,Martes ,Miercoles ,Jueves ,Viernes.
Horario: Mañanas ,Tardes.
Esta actividad se puede realizar en grupos.
Fecha límite de inscripción 23/07/2023
Nº de vacantes 1

  • Nº de personas candidatas en esta oportunidad: 0

El nº de personas candidatas refleja el total de personas que han escrito a la organización, desde la primera publicación de la oportunidad, a excepción de quienes no ha aceptado la organización por no cumplir los requisitos especificados.

Esta oportunidad ya se ha cubierto
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Valoración ONG

(1 valoraciones)  
Opinión general
% de respuesta: 98,8636%

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